As the weather begins to get cooler in Australia I start to look to Europeans for ideas on how to stay warm and comfortable but still look stylish.
One of my favourite dressers is Nigella Lawson. I love her pared back yet-still-interesting style. Nigella clearly knows what she likes and isn't interested in changing to fit in with fashion.
I was first introduced to Nigella when I was about 12 and my Mum bought her first cooking video. It wasn't even on TV yet and it was just as the term celebrity chef was being bandied about - yet Nigella has always stated that she is a cook - not a chef.
It was the images of her in her home, with a young family, living out everyday life that intrigued me. The way the show was edited showed that Nigella was a working Mum, to two happy and energetic children, who was also doing her best to support her husband through a very difficult time. I know a lot has already been written about that time, especially lately as she was in court. I am not concerned really with the reality - as in everything my perception of her then is my reality and it is going to take a lot more to change my admiration for her.
Nigella's style has morphed over time to become more and more set. In the first few episode Nigella wore more relaxed clothing but eventually settled on the combination of a long skirt (dark), fitted scoop-neck top and cardigan that was somehow held in place (sewn on?) in a variety of colours.
Off- camera Nigella is still very classical in her dressing. At red-carpet events Nigella sticks to scuplted pieces - often by Vivenee Westwood - that support and show off her figure. Latley, Nigella has been wearing pants and blazers with cute printed tops underneath but still sticking to mainly dark colours. Lately (and I have tried to show it in some of these photographs) Nigella has an element of vintage in her clothes too. Cat's eye glasses, winged eyeliner, beautiful cascading hair.