Sunday, March 8, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

For some reason I cannot find where my menu plan when for last week but I know that I only followed it on Thursday and Sunday.

Highlights from the week are: 

  • potato cakes (Laura Calder- French Food at Home)
  • Leek and Potato Creme Soup (book from last week).

I also forgot to take photo which I'm working on.  At least one photo this week.  Promise.

This week the focus is not having to buy so much.  I am looking in the fridge/pantry and building meals around what I have rather than adding things I have to go and buy.  

Monday - Brown Rice Pilaf with pumpkin curry (prawns added for Beau)

Tuesday - Mum's

Wednesday - Grandma's

Thursday - Tomato Soup (Giada's again) and garlic bread

Friday - Veggie quiche (moved from last week)

Saturday - Pad Thai (to hopefully use up lots of stuff in fridge)

Sunday - Lamb chops and baked veggies (with tofu for me).

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